
Trey Gowdy Returns To Suggest Jim Comey Will Face A “Tribunal” For What He Has Done

Given the unprecedented level of political division that exists within the United States body politic, coupled with the incredible complexity of the legal issues surrounding the surveillance, and attempted coup, that was directed towards Donald Trump, many of us have wondered how the seditious (traitorous?) acts of the Obama era intelligence community could ever be properly adjudicated. It’s clear that the chances of finding a jury of average Americans with the capacity to understand the severity of the Constitutional violations along with the ability to abandon their political biases would be next to zero. Jury nullification is not an option. Left unpunished there would be nothing for future presidents to similarly turn the intelligence agencies into a secret police to crush political dissent. This is especially true for those corrupt politicians who ran through in excess of $10 Trillion over the eight years that thei...

Soros Connection To Failed Coup Against Trump Via Dirty Dossier’s Fusion GPS & Connected Groups Has Been Uncovered

Elder Patriot – The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) was founded by Daniel Jones, a former staffer to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), on January 31, 2017.   It organized as a Washington-based nonprofit.   TDIP is essentially a  multimillion-dollar stealth campaign ostensibly focused on trying to rehabilitate the discredited Steele dossier for partisan political purposes. Its primary objective is to persuade major media outlets and lawmakers that President Trump should be impeached.   To that end,   it pumps out daily “research” briefings to prominent Washington journalists, as well as congressional staffers, to keep the Russia “collusion” narrative alive. As for Jones’ former boss Sen. Feinstein, she was member of the Gang of Eight in 2016 at the time when the unverified Steele dossier was used by Obama’s CIA Director as the trigger then-FBI Director James Comey relied on...